While Beeple didn’t start the everyday movement, he is certainly one of the biggest names within it. Currently the third best selling living artist. All thanks to what stared out as a personal project.
Personal Work + Time = Commercial Success
In the beginning, their was lockdown. And not much else. Especially in terms of creative output from me. I hadn’t picked up a camera in some time, work was non existent. And I was struggling. I knew I still loved photography, but I wasn’t ‘in love’ with it at the time. So I took action. I started thinking about doing something I love and am a huge advocate of. Shooting a personal project.
Every year I’ve shot a personal project, and every time it has led onto paid commercial work. I’ve talked at length to anyone who will listen about the power of personal work. I even taught a masterclass on it at the SWPP convention, and it was a full house! But somehow, I’ve managed to never write about it here… Whoops… Well that changes today.
The challenge was that we were still in lockdown, people were stuck at home but I was eager to get going. So I chose something accessible, sneakers. And to follow in the footsteps of Beeple I decided to give it an interesting twist. I would shoot it as an everyday project. One image per day for a whole month. Eek. No time to dwell and second guess myself. Concept, shoot, edit, post. All in a day. Then move on to the next day. Simple.
And now was motivated again, crazy motivated, and excited about photography for the first time in a long time. But why talk about this now? Well, after the whirlwind week down in London at The Societies of Photographers convention, I am feeling crazy motivated again. So a new project is being planned. Bigger, better and with even crazier and bigger goals than last time. So watch this space. There will be a LOT of information and content coming out from this one!
But for now, celebrate the image you can see here with me! It received my best score to date for an image in the print competition in London and it was part of last years project. You can see more work from this project here.